Friday, March 29, 2013

Shyiak no longer Head Coach

Earlier today it was announced by Steve Cobb that Dave Shyiak will not be returning as Head Coach of the University of Alaska Anchorage Seawolves. The search now begins for a new Head Coach. Unfortunately for more reasons then Dave himself, he was not successful here. But thank you for you all that you have done, and good luck in your future endeavors.


  1. Does anyone for sure know Campbell Blairs' status?????

  2. Not for sure, but I'm sure we'll find out soon though. I'm thinking if he takes another job, it will happen before the summer starts.

  3. "soon" is before summer?
    Andrew, this is an instant gratification society.
    We want answers now not after awhile.
    Where are the moles?

  4. Well Dave Shyiak you know what they say about KARMA!!!! Now the Seawolves will be able to recruit players. Players talk to players and as much as no one wanted to come forward and say it the COACH was the problem not the location. Best Day for Seawolf Hockey!!!

  5. For those who may be interested, Cambpell Blair's bio is no long on the website, along with Dave Shyiak's. While this doesn't confirm anything, I would say that it is a pretty strong indicator that Blair will not be returning next fall either.

  6. Aaaaand Blair's bio pic is back up. Maybe they accidentally removed it when they took Shyiak's down? Who knows, but consider my last post a false alarm.

  7. Maybe it was an earlier April Fool's joke?

    anon @ 9:29, frick yeah! I should start reporting news from unnamed sources aka rumors on forums. {;

  8. Cobb stated that both assistant coaches would remain if they chose to do so. So let's see what we end up with for applicants here. Should be interesting.

  9. Hill's two assistants had a year left on their contracts and they "coached" with Shyiak his first year. Shyiak was forced to keep them. He never let them "coach". Just had them stand around.It was a bad deal all the way around.

  10. Hill's two assistants had a year left on their contracts and they stayed for Shyiak's first year. Shyiak wouldn't let them coach. Just had them stand around and gave them administrative duties. It was a poor situation all the way around.
    I guess the question was "successful" so I don't know the answer.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Ah ratz.. I tried to add a smilie too and it wouldn't work.

    Damn Blogger! :p

  13. =HEY=

    Where the puck is everybody? ....On vacation? ...Pulling "a Donald"? :D

    I'm tired of looking at a row of little fuzzy arctic foxes with no other comments in between em. :p

    Did anyone catch Cobb's comment on KTUU a few days ago about our next coach? He said something like.. "the hockey community will know & respect the person we'll be hiring"

    Wonder if he has someone local in mind? Or not?

    I'm excited about next season! It's too bad that one guy Baltus bailed to go to Bitchigan Tech. He'll regret it. ;)

  14. Anyone hear that Matt Bailey isn't coming back?

    Hope it's just a nasty rumor.. Just read it one of our other player's twitter feed. :0(

  15. It's an interesting list of applicants for the Coach's job.

  16. I wonder if additional names will be on the list when it's released this Friday? Sounds like the four we know about were the ones not afraid to respond to Doyle's snooping when he came-a-calling.

    Seems like Blair Campbell would be an easy pick for Cobb, but would it signify CHANGE?

    We need a major ((shake up))! :D

  17. Is this blog used any longer?

    Why is no one ever here?

    1. Seems like the folks that used to post on DD's site are now over on the USCHO threads. Personally I'd like to see them back over here.
      Takes a lot of time and effort to keep a blog fresh and relevant.
      Not a knock on Andrew, just a fact. I know I don't have the time and energy so I'm pleased this is here. Such as it is.

  18. Corbett!! Only solid choice.

  19. AKfan is correct. Of the 4 guys Corbett is far above the other 3.

  20. If somebody sees the date, time and place of the public dog and pony show for the "Final Four" coach deal please post it here.
    Thanks in advance.

  21. Monday, April 22 – Michael Corbett
    Wednesday, April 24 – Damon Whitten
    Monday, April 29 – Chris Brown
    Wednesday, May 1 – Gary Heenan

    All times are 7:00-7:30pm in the Lucy Cuddy Hall Dining Room, free parking on the West side of campus around these times.

  22. Corbett may not have hit it out of the park last night but he was certainly impressive.

  23. He said he is recruiting speed, something we have not had for quite some time.

  24. Number 37 Williams has size and wheels. Carries the puck instead of dumping it. Has lots of grit. If his foot heals correctly he should be a force for Corbett. And from what I saw and heard last night Corbett should be our next coach.

  25. So far Corbett is the clear choice.

  26. Not so fast. Damon has been here before and wants to come back. Mike Corbetts' never been here.

  27. Oh bummer. No new glass at the Sully over this summer. They have other minor work planned (I'm not sure what) but it would've been nice to see new glass! They did clean it recently and it looks a lot better, but it could sure stand being replaced.

    Guy @ Sully said someone is looking at purchasing land off Minnesota, near O'Malley & C for an arena. Somewhere near that massive Cabelas store being built over the summer. He wouldn't say who or say anything else about it. Anyone have a clue???

    BTW. I didn't know Ponter's wife was head of Marketing for Sully! Kewl :D

  28. I don't even know who "Ponter" is much less have a clue.

  29. I assume Chris Pont. A former player. Lots of former players have made Anchorage their home.

  30. And anonymous, "I don't even know who "anonymous" is much less have a clue" :p

    Geez guys (except Suze) where's your memory? Ponter! Like Clarkie, Kinger, Cygie... this could go on all night..

  31. oops. My link to Chris Pont didn't work.

    I hate this "blogger" format! You have to jump thru' hoops to post a link, it has no smilies, no ability to post photos, no edit button, no NOTHING.

    Sorry Andrew. :D Not bitchin'. Just wishing you wouldn't have selected the same format as the dude who used to live in Anchorage and moved to Chicago used to use. What was his name? Daryl?

  32. I was told that the only "fixes" at the Sully for 2013 are the HVAC system and other "structural repairs". Glass is on the capital list to be replaced in the future, but issues of safety come first. And that includes the sidewalks, believe it or not!

  33. Who is Daryl?
    Just funin you arcticfox.

  34. Well, Well , Well. Maybe someone is listening after all. We'll see. And with one of the best teams from next years Shootout buggering out. That should tell you something is amiss.

  35. So does anyone know if when the coaching search resumes if they're going to consider new candidates or just keep going after the same four they were already talking to?

    1. They reopened the search and are accepting new applications in addition to what they already have.

  36. Only 95 days till we drop the puck!

  37. Kudos to Coach Thomas on his first recruit, Chase Van Allen. Love keeping Alaskans at home!

    1. Chase sounds like an upstanding young man. He should make a real good Seawolf.

  38. August 2nd. Time for a new thread.

  39. Is this blog still alive?

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At least try to keep it civilized mmmkay? Please don't feed the trolls.