Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kinda Morbid

Well it's Wednesday morning, I know I should put some kind of post up but I just don't know what to write about. This season just keeps dragging on, and unless Michigan Tech or Bemidji State lose out to finish their season we are going to finish in last place. And, I'm not so sure we can beat UA_ seeing as they finally might be getting their shit together. This season just alright freaking sucks. Our only saving grace might be Blake Tatchell, that freshman leads us in scoring (5-10-15 in 24 GP) and will probably finish the season leading us in scoring. And, of course this will also not be our worst season in the WCHA ever. I am really trying to keep this whole positive thing going, but it just keeps getting harder without any recent wins. Scheduling note, we keep playing each weekend until Feb 15-16 (UNO), and then we get two weeks off until Squarebanks and Denver to end out the regular season. The Super Bowl is this weekend, it just seems like fate that Ray Lewis will win another ring, much like that year the Saints won it all by eeking out a victory against my Vikings. I think this is where I will end this rambling post, enjoy this classic rock song on your hump day:

1 comment:

  1. A tough season. Agreed. We've come close several times and with a little puck luck the season record till now would look much better.
    The guys don't give up and lay down so why should I?
    The hockey is usually top notch win lose or tie so as a fan I enjoy watching and cheering for our guys. Let the quitters go elsewhere. I'm sticking with our guys.


At least try to keep it civilized mmmkay? Please don't feed the trolls.