Saturday, December 22, 2012

End of Silence

Does this look kinda familiar? Well unfortunately for you, it is not Donald blogging in disguise. It is plain, old (I'm not really old though, only 20) A Seawolves Fanatic a.k.a [AKSWF] blogging here. D paved the way; set the tone of what you the reader wanted. A fair, somewhat unbiased take on Seawolves Hockey, the ADN and that numskull Doyle Woody just don't cut it. That's why I totally jumped on D's site when I first found it. There was a community, sure there occasionally was the crazy aunt or uncle that showed up and made things uncomfortable. But we persevered, knowing we wanted the same thing. A winning program that we all could take true pride in, well for whatever reason D and Jimjamesak have left, and I don’t think they’re coming back. Sure they have posted on USCHO, but that's not the same. Sure D will occasionally pop in for the chats that Alaskana have so kindly put up for us, but that's not enough. Whether you liked D or not, he's done a lot for the UAA Hockey Program and us, I hope he is happy out in the Chicago area.

It is my hope that I can post twice a week once the season starts up again (I'd likely provide a preview and post weekend wrap-ups). I know Suze and Alaskana have expressed interest in posting for Seawolf Hockey, I will gladly accept your help and your take on our program. If not, anybody else is welcome to join if their willing. As for the layout, I will be changing things around, seeing what works and what doesn't. And, sorry Suze and whoever has expressed interest in having a picture upload feature. Blogger does not want any part of that for whatever reason; I could look into having an image hosting site. But for now, you could email me your pictures and I could upload them for you. There is another blog being set up, and can be found by clicking here and here. As far as I'm concerned, I like that you the reader has options. I'll let you decide who you want to read from, and be a part of. I won't try to sway you either way. As much fun as it could be reliving the Monday Night Wars via Seawolf Hockey, I won't take the first swing. It's all about the defense baby.

I hope this site can create the same kind of community we had over with D, but this can only come with time. So sit back, let your hair down, and let go. Much like my favorite band RED (shameless plug), it’s time to soldier on and get ready for the future. The new WCHA is upon us, Athletic Director Steve Cobb has said a new hockey arena is in the works (take that with a massive intake of salt), D's blog is done. Just, let go. That is the first step to moving on, no? 


  1. Hey AKSWF, great to see you started this blog! Just one small, but important step in getting Seawolves hockey blogging going again. I do agree that we need to move on if Donald has no interest in updating his blog (which is still the main hub people go to for UAA info). I know a few of us talked of trying to keep his going but to be honest being that his blog was something of his own creation I felt it would have been too hard to match his style or wit.
    I do think he should leave it up as is still in my opinion the greatest college hockey blog ever created and will be difficult to match.

    This however I think will serve as a great new beginning. Can't wait for the first pre-game post!

  2. Thanka for starting the new blog, Andrew. Looking forward to making this one a success and a place where we can all share our passion that is UAA hockey.

  3. I will certainly try my best to entertain and inform the masses! And, I promise I won't let the fame get to my head.

    To drcobbmustgonow, good to know and I look forward to what you have to say.

    • If you have a tip, or something bugs you (like say the color scheme, which I did spend some time on) let me know. I got a tip about the comments and the trouble using OpenID to write a comment. I will try to fix that up as soon as I can.

  4. Thank you for the fresh perspective!
    Your initial post shows you have the talent to make this blog a success.
    Looking forward to having a space to add positive dialog to the Seawolves' program.
    Go Seawolves!!!!


At least try to keep it civilized mmmkay? Please don't feed the trolls.